Ways to play The Descendant on M1/M2/M3 Mac

Is it possible to to play The Descendant on M1/M2/M3 Mac?

The Descendant is an episodic adventure game developed by Gaming Corps, set in a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity are preserved in underground Ark facilities. Players assume the role of “Janitors,” who are responsible for maintaining these facilities and ensuring the survival of the “Descendants” in cryogenic stasis. The game combines narrative-driven gameplay with puzzle-solving elements, offering a cinematic experience with high production values and a compelling storyline. In June 2024, The Descendant experienced a resurgence in popularity due to several factors. Nostalgia and retrospective interest played a significant role, as gaming communities often revisit older titles, and The Descendant’s unique narrative and episodic structure attracted renewed attention. Additionally, increased visibility through streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube, where content creators and streamers showcased the game to new audiences, contributed to its popularity. Promotional events, such as inclusion in sales events or being featured on platforms like Steam, also boosted the game’s visibility and player base. Regarding compatibility with Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2, M3), The Descendant is playable on these devices. The game has a macOS version that can run natively on Intel-based Macs, and for Apple Silicon Macs, it can be run using Rosetta 2, which translates Intel-based applications to run on ARM architecture. This translation layer allows many Intel-based macOS applications to run on Apple Silicon with minimal performance loss, and The Descendant should run smoothly using Rosetta 2, given its relatively modest system requirements. Another option is using CrossOver, which allows Windows applications to run on macOS, useful if the native macOS version encounters any issues.

Play Descendant on M1/M2/M3 Mac via Rosetta 2

To run The Descendant on an Apple Silicon Mac (M1, M2, M3) using Rosetta 2, follow these steps:

  1. Install Rosetta 2: If you haven’t already installed Rosetta 2, you can do so by opening the Terminal application and typing the following command:

    sh /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

    This command will install Rosetta 2, which allows you to run Intel-based applications on Apple Silicon Macs.

  2. Download and Install the Game: Download The Descendant from your preferred platform (e.g., Steam, GOG). Follow the standard installation process for macOS.
  3. Run the Game Using Rosetta 2: Locate the game application in the Finder. Right-click (or Control-click) on the game application and select Get Info. In the Info window, check the box labeled Open using Rosetta. Close the Info window.
  4. Launch the Game: Double-click the game application to launch it. The game should now run using Rosetta 2, allowing it to operate on your Apple Silicon Mac.

Play The Descendant on M1/M2/M3 Mac with CrossOver

play The Descendant on mac with crossover

CrossOver, developed by CodeWeavers, is a Windows compatibility layer for macOS, ChromeOS, and Linux. It enables many Windows-based applications to run on these operating systems without virtualization. Though compatibility layers can be tricky to work with, CrossOver in particular includes user-friendly configuration tools, automated installation scripts, and technical support. Unlike Parallels Desktop, CrossOver supports DirectX12 games. All things considered, this is a relatively easy way to run Windows software and games on non-Windows devices. As such, you may be able to play The Descendant on Mac using CrossOver.

Download CrossOver

Please note that not all games are supported by CrossOver. For example, online games that use anti-cheat software, are often incompatible. You may check your game’s compatibility by using the official compatibility database, or by using CrossOver’s free trial.

Play The Descendant on M1/M2/M3 Mac with Parallels

play The Descendant on mac with parallels

One easy way to play The Descendant on Mac is by using a program called Parallels Desktop. This program is capable of creating and running virtual machines that run Windows and support hardware acceleration. In simpler terms, Parallels Desktop allows you to install Windows 10 on Mac with just a couple of clicks and switch between MacOS and Windows instantly. So you will be able to run Windows, install Steam (or any other launcher for that matter), and enjoy The Descendant game on Mac just like you would on a regular PC. Generally speaking, you will need an iMac Pro or a Mac Pro to run demanding games. However, if the game you’re trying to run is old, or simply doesn’t demand much from computer hardware, then you will likely be able to run it on any Mac computer, including MacBook Air. When it comes to games in-between, it is recommended to consider your Mac’s hardware specifications instead of thinking in terms of its model.

Download Parallels Desktop

Please note that not all games are supported by Parallels Desktop. Several conditions must be met for the game to be playable. Your Mac must exceed minimum system requirements for the game. Playing a game on Windows running through Parallels places additional strain on your Mac, so meeting them is not enough. Games that require DirectX12 are currently not supported by Parallels. Online games that use anti-cheat software may be incompatible as well. AppsOnMac recommends using Parallels’ free trial feature to determine whether you can run the game or not if you’re uncertain.

Play The Descendant on Mac with cloud gaming services

play The Descendant on mac with airgpu

If you have an old Mac or it cannot satisfy The Descendant game system requirements, there is an easy solution. Cloud gaming services will be happy to provide you with sufficient computing power – though not for free, of course. All you need is a fast internet connection. There are several great platforms that provide these services; the best ones are Boosteroid, Xbox Cloud, AirGPU, and NVidia GeForce NOW. Out of these, we recommend AirGPU as it can be used to play any Windows game, including The Descendant.

Try AirGPU

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