how to play zero sievert on mac

How to play ZERO Sievert on Mac

ZERO Sievert is a top-down shooter game developed by CABO Studio and published by Modern Wolf. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this game puts you in a shoes of a scavenger; you will be combing through the ruins of the old world for anything that might be valuable. Fortunately for you (and unfortunately for our character), this task is a lot less boring than it sounds. Raiders may decide that your gear ought to be theirs, while mutants may decide to have you for dinner. In both scenarios, the answer to the problem will be your trusty gun. There are 35 different guns in the game, and more than a hundred weapon mods that change how they behave. So no matter what playstyle you prefer, you’ll be able to have a weapon that’s truly yours. All maps in ZERO Sievert are procedurally generated, so you will not be raiding the same place over and over. The layout of buildings, valuables, and threats are all randomized; you will have a new experience every time you step outside the base. Though the game doesn’t have a Mac version, it is relatively easy to play ZERO Sievert on Mac. How? Read our guide and find out.

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how to play 9 years of shadows on mac

How to play 9 Years of Shadows on Mac

9 Years of Shadows is a metroidvania game developed by Halberd Studios and published by Freedom Games. You seek to enter Talos, a corrupt mechanical fortress that threatens the entirety of the world. Rumor has it, the corruption within it can be cleansed, though not a single person succeeded in the task so far. Indeed, none came back alive; but with nothing to lose, you intend to try anyway. Still, this is not a suicide mission; you have plenty of tricks up your sleeve. Your trusty halberd is a servicable enough weapon on its own, but it can also perform a variety of complex combo attacks to utterly destroy your opponents. By exploring Talos, you can also find magical projectile weapons and a variety of special armors. You will also not be completely alone; though Talos is now corrupt, it once housed a thriving population. Some of its residents still survive to this day, and may help you on your journey. 9 Years of Shadows is officially available only on Nintendo Switch and Windows PC platforms. However, you may also be able to play 9 Years of Shadows on Mac. Read the guide below to learn how this is possible.

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how to play brick rigs on mac

How to play Brick Rigs on Mac

Brick Rigs is a physics-based sandbox game focused on vehicles. It was developed and published by Fluppisoft, a creator from Germany. The first part of the game is about building a vehicle. Thanks to a complex editor and thousands of available parts, you can make anything, from a racing car, to a helicopter, and even a tank. Recreate a real-life vehicle or come up with your own design; the possibilities are endless. And if this does not sound fun to you, you can skip the process and download other people’s designs from Steam Workshop. Once you have a working vehicle design – no matter how you got it – you can drive it around, see how it performs, or destroy it via collision. Though the Brick Rigs is a pure sandbox and has no end goal, you can make your own, or compete with your friends in multiplayer. Like many other games, Brick Rigs is available only on Windows. It does not support Mac computers or any consoles. However, there are several workarounds that can be used to play Brick Rigs on Mac.

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how to play paragon the overprime on mac

How to play Paragon: The Overprime on Mac

Paragon: The Overprime is a free-to-play MOBA game developed and published by Netmarble, a South Korean company. In many ways, it is similar to other MOBA games. The goal is to destroy the enemy base, a single map with several lanes, and a roster of unique heroes. Of course, there’s plenty of ways for MOBA games to stand out, too; there are many game mechanics which can be tweaked to provide a unique experience. Paragon: The Overprime is designed for constant action. Grinding mobs for gold and items is not very important, the map can be easily traversed thanks to several well-placed portals, and deaths are not particularly punishing. As such, the players are encouraged to be on the front, to push lanes, and fight enemy players. It is a very fast-paced MOBA, and it’s worth checking out if you want to experience the thrill of endless action. Though it is not available on MacOS, you may be able to get around this issue. Keep reading for a list of methods to play Paragon: The Overprime on Mac.

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how to play spiderheck on mac

How to play SpiderHeck on Mac

SpiderHeck is a physics-based brawler game developed by Neverjam and published by tinyBuild. The premise of the game can be easily guessed from its name: you play as a spider and must move around by jumping and slinging from webs. Your means of attacking, on the other, are less conventional (for a spider). Your character will be wielding either a lightsaber or a laser gun, destroying enemies with flashes of bright-neon colors. You are able to play alone by either fighting against endless waves of enemies or by completing unique challenges. However, the best part of SpiderHeck is the multiplayer; more specifically, PvP fighting. Even though the battles are limited to only four players, they are very chaotic and fast-paced. You will certainly die a lot, but you will also have a lot of fun. The game even features crossplay between PC and Xbox versions of the game, which means there’s more people to compete against. But SpiderHeck is not perfect; it lacks a Mac version. Luckily, it is very easy to get around this hurdle. The guide below will explain how to play SpiderHeck on Mac.

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how to play boneraiser minions on mac

How to play Boneraiser Minions on Mac

Boneraiser Minions is a roguelite game developed by caiys. Loosely based on ideas established by Vampire Survivors, Boneraiser Minions puts its own spin on the formula – summoning. Instead of making your character stronger by obtaining weapons and skills, you’ll be raising undead minions to attack for you. Of course, you still have to dodge enemy attacks, collect items, and survive in general; this is by no means an idle game. And if you really can’t live without the ability to directly attack, the game will provide you with some limited options. The developers have put a lot of effort into making Boneraiser Minions replayable. It has several unique characters, tons of meta-progression upgrades, multiple game modes, and even a special challenge mode which is different every day. Overall, this game offers very good value for the price; even after hundred hours, it will not get boring or stale. However, there is one small problem: it doesn’t have a Mac version. But don’t worry; our guide will show you how to play Boneraiser Minions on Mac with third-party programs.

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how to play ultimate epic battle simulator ii on mac

How to play Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 on Mac

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 is a sandbox game which allows the player to set up and observe fights. It was developed and published by Brilliant Game Studios, a small gamedev company located in Canada. The game aims to answer questions that all of us had at some point. Can Roman soldiers defend against modern infantry? How many zombies does it take to kill a dinosaur? Can one human defeat an army of ducks? These scenarios are all very improbable, but Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 allows you to experience all of them. Thanks to a wide selection of units, you will be able to set up these – incredibly strange – fights. It’s worth noting that the game’s engine can handle millions of units at the same time; the developers didn’t call it “epic” for no reason. Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 also features an RTS mode, in which you control one of the armies instead of simply watching them fight. Officially, the game works only on Microsoft Windows, however, you may be able to play it on macOS as well. Keep reading to learn how to play Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 on Mac.

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how to play lunacid on mac

How to play Lunacid on Mac

Lunacid is a dungeon crawler game developed and published by KIRA LLC, a small three-person gamedev studio. Inspired by King’s Field and similar retro titles, this game looks quite old-fashioned as well. This is not a bad thing; despite the retro graphics, Lunacid is incredibly atmospheric. It’s eerie, unnerving, and tense… expect to nervously look around, constantly expecting enemies to come from the fog. Sometimes, your fears will be unfounded, but in most cases, you will indeed have to fight. The combat is relatively simple, but not mindless: you’ll need to block, charge your attacks, and use magic spells. Of course, enemies are not the only thing you’ll encounter. There’s plenty of exploration to be done, both to find secrets and simply to get around. Most of your time in Lunacid will be spent in sprawling, claustrophobic tunnels; there’s never an easy path to the exit; you will always have to wander around and explore first. As expected from a small indie studio, KIRA LLC did not release a Mac version of this game. However, it is still relatively easy to play Lunacid on Mac. The guide below lists several methods.

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how to play project playtime on mac

How to play Project: Playtime on Mac

Project: Playtime is a multiplayer horror game from Mob Entertainment, the developers of Poppy Playtime. The two games are set in the same universe and share many features. Just like in Poppy Playtime, your task is to explore an abandoned toy factory, though this time, you are not trapped. No, you are here on a mission, to locate and extract giant toy parts. And since this is a multiplayer game, you will not undertake this mission alone; instead, you will be a part of a six-person team. But there are seven players in each match, not six. As you might have guessed, the last player is given the role of a monster toy who is required to kill everyone else in order to win. Ever thought how dangerous Poppy Playtime monsters would be if they were controlled by an actual human instead of a limited AI? This game can answer this question: very. You will be required to cooperate in order to survive. This game is available on Windows only, but there’s still a way to play Project: Playtime on Mac. Read the article below for step-by-step instructions.

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how to play sands of aura on mac

How to play Sands of Aura on Mac

Sands of Aura is an open-world dungeon crawler game developed by Chashu Entertainment. In this game, you will explore a desolate world of eternal darkness, with nothing but sand in all directions. But although the world is but a husk of its former self, it still harbors life. You play as a member of Remnant Knights, a militant order dedicated to protecting those who remain. During your quest, you will explore ancient ruins, fight hordes of corrupted creatures, and even take down several powerful bosses. How will you accomplish this? It’s your choice; the game features multiple distinctive ways to fight and an impressive build variety. All equipment in this game is modular; you can, for example, change the way your sword handles by swapping out its hilt. The story in Sands of Aura is mostly linear, but also fairly cryptic. You will not be spoonfed information; rather, the game expects you to figure things out on your own. This bleak, yet intriguing world is definitely worth exploring, but there’s no official way to play Sands of Aura on Mac. However, there are several unofficial ones; read the guide below to learn what you can do.

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